Data Security


Data Security

  • Data Security is subject to several types of audit standards and verification.
  • The most common are ISO 17799, ISO 27001-02, PCI, ITIL, SAS-70, HIPPA, SOX.
  •  Security Administrators are responsible for creating and enforcing a policy that forms to the standards that apply to their organizations business.
  • IT certification audits are generally carried out by 3rd party accounting firms.
  •  They generally can be done in a week or two, depending on the size of the organization.
  •  Clients can also carry out audits before they begin doing business with the company to ensure that their data is secured to their standards.

Security Policy :


  • A security policy is a comprehensive document that defines a companies’ methods for prevention, detection, reaction, classification, accountability of data security practices and enforcement methods. 
  • It generally follows industry best practices as defined by ISO 17799,27001-02, PCI, ITIL, SAS-70, HIPPA , SOX or a mix of them.
  • The security policy is the key document in effective security practices.
  •  Once it has been defined it must be implemented and modified and include any exceptions that may need to be in place for business continuity. 
  • All users need to be trained on these best practices with continuing education at regular intervals.

Tools to Secure Data :

  • Data needs to be classified in the security policy according to its sensitivity.
  • Once this has taken place, the most sensitive data has extra measures in place to safeguard and ensure its integrity and availability.
  • All access to this sensitive data must be logged.
  • Secure data is usually isolated from other stored data.
  • Controlling physical access to the data center or area where the data is stored.
  • Active or Open Directory is a centralized authentication management system that is available to companies to control and log access to  any data on the system.
  • Encryption of the sensitive data is critical before transmission across public networks.
  • The use of firewalls on all publicly facing WAN connections.
  •  Deploying VLANs’ and ACLs’ to isolate sensitive departments from the rest of the network.
  • Shutting down unused switch ports.
  • If wireless is deployed, use authentication servers to verify and log the identity of those logging on.
  • Anti-Virus and malicious software protection on all systems.


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