Robot Master


Robot Master:

Robot Master is a name used to refer to human-like boss robots from the original Mega Man series that possess a very advanced level of artificial intelligence. Most, if not all, Robot Masters possess a Special Weapon. These powers can be gained mainly by Mega Man, Proto Man, or Bass after the robot is defeated. Each Robot Master has a "consciousness", although the level of every "cognitive circuit" embedded inside each one of them varies, producing as many different "personality" types as found in people. Like humans, they can speak, and have emotional responses like shyness or anger. When Mega Man fights against a Robot Master, he takes great care to not damage their integrated circuit chip's "cognitive circuit". As long as the cognitive circuit isn't completely destroyed, they can be rebuilt any number of times.Robot Master is a special kind of robot or android that possesses a very advanced level of artificial intelligence.There are roughly one hundred thirty six Robot Masters. According to series canon, the Robot Master AI system is jointly credited to Dr. Thomas Light and Dr. Albert Wily. Most Robot Masters possess a unique identification code, consisting of a two-letter "series code" followed by one of N, No, or #, then a three-digit "serial number" (except for the Genesis Unit, which uses two digits). Robot Masters have AIs vastly superior to the smaller, minor robots within the Mega Man universe.This, even more than their generally humanoid appearance  is what separates Robot Masters from other advanced robots. They often are designed with a particular strength or element in mind, thus allowing them to thrive in specific environments. Robot Masters tend to be programmed with human-like personalities and quirks, advanced enough to fool most people into believing them to think and act of their own accord. However, this is not true, as the Mega Man X series states X as the first robot to truly be able to think for himself. Robot Masters have a certain capability of thought and will this allows them to be decisive on the battlefield, yet cannot generally operate beyond certain guidelines. There have been some exceptions, but every one of these occurrences has been explained in some way such as the robot being faulty to begin with or could have malfunctioned due to damage incurred.

List of Robot Masters

DLN series:

DrRightLogo The DLN (Doctor Light Number) Robot Masters were created by Dr. Light. This series is known as the DRN series in Japan, after Dr. Light's Japanese name, Dr. Right. 000-008 (Mega Man and Mega Man Powered Up) The Robot Masters in Mega Man and Mega Man Powered Up were created by Dr. Light (with the help of Dr. Wily in some sources, although they are listed as part of the DLN. series, rather than the DRWN. series). Six (eight in Mega Man Powered Up) of them were reprogrammed by Wily to serve his evil purposes, but after Wily's defeat, Dr. Light manages to fix them and they serve their initial functions. Time Man and Oil Man were not given a serial number in Mega Man Powered Up. In the second story arc of Archie Comics' Mega Man comic book series, they are referred to as DLN-00A (Time Man) and DLN-00B (Oil Man), which is an experimental line-up.
DLN. 002 Roll
          DLN. 003 Cut Man . 

        DLN. 005 Ice Man  
            DLN. 006 Bomb Man 
       DLN. 007 Fire Man

         DLN. 008 Elec Man 


DWN series:

DWN The DWN (Doctor Wily Number) Robot Masters are those created or modified by Dr. Wily. Their numbering picks up from where the DLN series leaves off.  

Mega Man2 (009-016)
009 Metal Man DWN.010 Air ManDWN.011 Bubble ManDWN.012 Quick ManDWN.013 Crash ManDWN.014 Flash Man DWN.015 Heat ManDWN.016 Wood Man.  
Mega Man3 (
017-024)DWN.017 Needle Man DWN.018 Magnet Man DWN.019 Gemini Man DWN.020 Hard Man DWN.021 Top Man DWN.022 Snake Man DWN.023 Spark Man DWN.024 Shadow Man.
Mega Man4 (025-032)
DCN The Robot Masters from Mega Man 4 were created by Dr. Cossack, but are listed as part of the DWN series because Wily remodeled them. They are listed under a DCN (Doctor Cossack Numbers) serial number in the Mega Man Megamix manga.
DWN025 Bright ManDWN. 026 Toad Man DWN. 027 Drill Man     DWN. 028 Pharaoh Man DWN. 029 Ring Man DWN. 030 Dust ManDWN. 031 Dive Man
DWN. 032 Skull Man
Mega Man5 (033-040)

   DWN. 033 Gravity ManDWN. 034 Wave Man
 DWN. 035 Stone Man
 DWN. 036 Gyro Man
 DWN. 037 Star Man 
    DWN. 038 Charge Man
      DWN. 039 Napalm Man 
   DWN. 040 Crystal Man

 Mega Man6 (041-048
   DWN. 041 Blizzard Man
DWN. 043 Flame Man 
 DWN. 044 Knight Man 
DWN. 045 Plant Man 
        DWN. 046 Tomahawk Man 
DWN. 047 Wind Man 
 DWN. 048 Yamato Man
DWN. 042 Centaur Man 

  Mega Man7 (049-056 )

DWN. 049 Freeze Man 
DWN. 050 Junk Man 
DWN. 051 Burst Man 
DWN. 052 Cloud Man 
DWN. 053 Spring Man 
DWN. 054 Slash Man 
DWN. 055 Shade Man 
DWN. 056 Turbo Man 

 Mega Man8 (057-064)

DWN. 057 Tengu Man 
DWN. 058 Astro Man 
DWN. 059 Sword Man 
DWN. 060 Clown Man 
DWN. 061 Search Man 
DWN. 062 Frost Man 
DWN. 063 Grenade Man 

DWN. 064 Aqua Man

Mega Man9 (065-072) 

The Robot Masters from Mega Man 9 follow the numbering pattern after Mega Man 8, although they were created by Dr. Light and reprogrammed by Dr. Wily. In the Archie Comics at least some of them were built before the Robot Masters of Mega Man 3, but retain the same numbering system presumably due to those Robot Masters (and others) being designed first. 
DLN. 065 Concrete Man 
DLN. 066 Tornado Man 
DLN. 067 Splash Woman 
DLN. 068 Plug Man 
DLN. 069 Jewel Man 
DLN. 070 Hornet Man 
DLN. 071 Magma Man 
DLN. 072 Galaxy Man

 Mega Man10 (073-080)

Like Mega Man 6, the creators of these robots are unknown, but they are considered part of the DWN series. The Bonus Track in the Rockman 10 Image Soundtrack suggests that Wily had planned in advance to infect certain robots in society with Roboenza. 
DWN. 073 Blade Man 
DWN. 074 Pump Man 
DWN. 075 Commando Man 
DWN. 076 Chill Man 
DWN. 077 Sheep Man 
DWN. 078 Strike Man 
DWN. 079 Nitro Man 
DWN. 080 Solar Man



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