3D Printer


Airwolf 3D AXIOM models operate at printing speeds of up to 250 millimetres per second, and travel speeds as high as 400 millimeters per second. At Airwolf 3D we understand that time is critical, and this is why we have developed one of the fastest desktop 3D printers on the market.


Size limitation is currently a major drawback with most 3D printers on the market. Not at Airwolf 3D. With a huge build platform, the AXIOM series can print large models without having to print in multiple pieces.


With a 40 micron minimum layer height, and an X, Y resolution of 20 microns, the AXIOM series printers are extremely accurate. Airwolf 3D has worked hard on balancing resolution and speed, and has come up with a system that provides the best of both worlds.


At Airwolf 3D, we don’t only make and sell 3D printers, but we also use them as a tool on a daily basis for our own production line. This requires a durable machine that requires little maintenance. We hold these same standards for our customers, and have constructed our printers with the highest quality parts possible.


The list continues to grow……At 40 materials and counting, the possibilities are endless. With a large temperature range, and the ability to reach up to 320C on the hotend, the AXIOM series is able to print with numerous materials, ranging from PLA and ABS to TPU, Nylon and Polycarbonate

The process in which material is joined or solidified under computer control to create a three-dimensional object, with material being added together such as liquid molecules or powder grains being fused together. 3D printing is used in both rapid prototyping and additive manufacturing . Objects can be of almost any shape or geometry and typically are produced using digital model data from a 3D model or another electronic data source such as an Additive Manufacturing File .

While 3-D printing has been around for decades, it has remained largely in the domain of hobbyists and designers producing one-off prototypes. And printing objects with anything other than plastics in particular, metal—has been expensive and painfully slow. Now, however, it’s becoming cheap and easy enough to be a potentially practical way of manufacturing parts. If widely adopted, it could change the way we mass-produce many products.
The technology can create lighter, stronger parts, and complex shapes that aren’t possible with conventional metal fabrication methods. It can also provide more precise control of the microstructure of metals. In 2017, researchers from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory announced they had developed a 3-D-printing method for creating stainless-steel parts twice as strong as traditionally made ones.
Heads up about 3D printing a 3D model not all 3D models were created with 3D printing in mind. Often 3D files were created for animation movies or computer games, and typically these models still need to be prepared for 3D printing. There are several design rules to keep in mind for this, but a very reoccurring issue is getting the right “Wall Thickness”. Wall thickness is simply the distance between one surface of your model and its opposite sheer surface. wall-thickness-3d-model the right wall thickness is important for printing your 3D model. A visual 3D model for a computer game often only has paper-thin walls, meaning you can see the walls or exterior facade of the model, but these walls won’t actually have a physical thickness. For 3D printing, it’s very important that every surface of your 3D model has been assigned a wall thickness. 3D printers need information about how thick you intend the wall of your object to be. After all, a 3D printer needs to know if you intend to print something with walls of 1 mm or 1 cm. Once you have your 3D model.

3D Printers In Industry

 3D printers are still in their developmental stages- innovations are being introduced in the field of 3D printing technology on a regular basis. However, these devices have also found a purpose in several areas within a short time, as is evident from the sharp growth experienced in 3D printers.

The Medical Industry:

3D printers are also found useful in the medical industry. They are utilized by a number of specific medical fields, such as orthopedic, dental, audiology and many more. 3D printers can make models using biocompatible materials, so that it can serve the needs of the medical experts.

The Jewelry Industry:
The fine details of the design, which need to be depicted accurately on the prototype. Since the details are usually very small, 3D printing technology can achieve this accuracy.The smoothness of the surface, which is necessary for bringing about the beauty of the product and to undertake the post-processing and final factor required from 3D models is the tolerance of the product. The prototype models are usually very small, and they would include intricate details to perfectly match the CAD drawing. This may compromise the strength of the model, unless it is made by a reliable 3D printer.

The Defense industry:

3D printers are used to a certain extent in the defense industry. In general, the industry requires versatile 3D models. Companies operating in this sector require several types of 3D models of varying sizes, scopes and physical properties in order to perform simulations and tests on them. In many cases, models would have to be built with composite materials, which can be done with adequately equipped 3D printers.

The Dental Industry:

Digital dentistry has already become a major part of the profession. In simple terms, digital dentistry is the use of CAD and also CAM automation in the business models of dental labs, which saves time and manual labor and also improves the precision and quality of dental parts. 3D printers form the heart of this digitalization, since they allow labs to achieve great accuracy in dental part manufacturing. 3D printers can be used to quickly produce precise models of bridges, crowns, stone models, and other orthodontic appliances. These printers do away with the need for manually sculpting dental appliances and allow labs to instead concentrate on their core business functions


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